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Our services
Costs reduction
Since 2007, DENA has provided its customers with the representation, distribution and outsourcing of their purchases trying to offer the best service in the shortest time and at competitive prices, with the aim of offering the customer a real cost reduction.
We are an independent distributor that operates locally in a global market with more than 2,000 suppliers worldwide. We can find any component, new or obsolete, in record time, helping the customer keep their production rate.
We are specialized in the preparation of assembly kits ready to use, with great savings in cost and time.
Bill of Materials
We offer professional management to your bill of materials making it simple to receive in one shipment all the needed parts in your supply chain.
  • Small and large batches
  • Schedules
  • Safety stock
We have our own warehouse which allows the most appropriate answer to our customers needs.
  • Customized delivery
  • Special packaging
  • Tailored labeling
Personal attention
DENA places highly regarded and experienced professionals of distribution and electronics at your disposal that will help you choose the best alternatives with a service tailored to your needs.